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Rest assured you are supported by the heavens. You are always supported and even more so now. The awakening of your species is underway.
The time is now.
You are at the beginning of another millennium, which acts as a gateway of growth and opportunity. The universe is offering you transmissions of higher-frequency energies planting seeds of thought forms, inspiration, and mindfulness that will bring you to new heights. More and more of you are noticing.
Innovative practices will encourage profound transformation of all former practices. The delivery of these practices will be monitored by creative thinkers and implemented by those most open—those who have clarity in the overall transformation of global practices. More and more will be called upon to come forth. Inspiration will foster growth. There is much hope, as there is great need. It is your duty to implement your own practices to support this global awakening and transformation. Do your part in supporting what you know and understand to be true.
You are moving towards a more pleasing reality, one with hope, compassion, and peaceful resolution. The shift is happening, and we are so very pleased. You are moving out of the confusion, insecurity, and uncertainty of your darkest creations—of your world as you know it now. You are moving into a more blissful state.
Love is the highest vibration. Love will lead the way.
Visionary - Educator - Healer
Joanna is an influencer of peace motivated by love and compassion for all.
Awaken To Your Truth-The Time Is Now is gifted by a Higher Intelligence, delivered at a time when humanity most needs support and direction. It is a highly inspirational, thought-provoking read that is sure to inspire you to make the necessary changes that will lead you to thinking and behaving in a whole new way to create a healthier and happier life. Our world is undeniably restructuring and this is the time to hone into your power!
Ascended Masters speak directly to you in this captivating book. The love, support and guidance you receive will heal your heart and open your mind to endless possibility and opportunity.
Awaken brings clarity and insight to a wide range of topics, both spiritual and physical. It is a resource for all believers and non-believers, of all faiths, cultures and backgrounds, for those spiritually advanced or otherwise, for all who wish to expand their awareness, move towards ascension and create a better world.
``We come to you at this time because this is a time of new beginnings. We have been sent to you by the Creator to encourage, support, inspire, and awaken you to the truth of who you are, to assist you in your path of rediscovery in healing yourselves and your planet.`` The Ascended Masters.
A quiet but urgent call to revolution - a radical change of mindset! Offers astute insights to transforming our lives. Messages are clear and well presented ...
A powerful, barrier-shattering book! ... targeted at breaking down every wall that cages today's humans, including religion, negative societal norms, inequality ...
Couldn't be more timely, pinpointing exactly what is happening on Earth ... a roadmap that provides both direction and encouragement for the work ahead.
A fascinating self-help guide ... honest in its depiction of humanity and broad-ranging in terms of the wisdom and guidance it offers.
Get inspired, motivated, and refocused! ... represents everyone regardless of your belief system. "You are in complete control of your lives. There is nothing you cannot be, do, or have." This statement is profound ....
The diction and fluidity of this book inspired me to read and glean positive messages of remaining mindful and trusting your own spiritual messages amidst the inevitable challenges of life. I highly recommend this important book to reinforce our trust in spirituality and human connectedness.
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